Stage V - Presentation & Moderation for Controllers
Improve your communication skills and enhance your perceptiveness in groups.

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Stage V - Presentation & Moderation for Controllers

Seminar-Nummer: 9.5 Seminardauer: 5 Tage
133 Bewertungen
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Seminar-Nummer: 9.5
Improve your communication skills and enhance your perceptiveness in groups.

Changes accompany us now more than ever. People in management boards and those who are affected want and need regular information on current developments. As a business partner, the controller is responsible for both providing information and discussing its impact. Important contexts should be recognized, visualized, presented and discussed in an open-ended manner. In addition to the holistic economic understanding, knowledge on communication in groups, processing information for faster comprehension is needed, as well as the ability to facilitate developing discussions in a target-oriented way. Corresponding behavioral training is a firm component for up-to-date controller education. In this training, you will learn the techniques and success factors to solve complex problems, develop the most important rules of presentations and optimize your communication skills. You will also intensively practice the role of business partner – using feedback, video analyses and implementation aids regarding demeanor, language and behavior. Finally, you will hold a diploma-worthy presentation and moderate a meeting before the plenary session of participants.

After the workshop you will be able to:

  • develop proposals ready for decision and present them even more confidently on site and in virtual space
  • keep discussions open for as long as possible, unblock deadlocks during discussions and offer alternatives
  • analyze and restructure teams, break behavioral patterns of behavior and give valuable feedback
  • interact and be present when presenting online, asserting yourself and using the central importance of the storyline

Workshop Content

Method Training

  • Strategic analysis and strategic program
  • Applying the strategic planning method Canvas
  • Visualization, presentation and moderation techniques
  • Applying question techniques in a targeted manner, especially when moderating
  • Protocol techniques for “solving problems as a team”

Personal Skills

  • Promoting and interfering behavioral patterns in teams and plenary sessions
  • Moderation of teams and plenaries
  • Presentation work in front of plenaries
  • Recommendations on behavior in these situations
  • Video analysis

Solving Complex Problems in Teams

  • Team analysis: phases of team work
  • Team composition and team efficiency
  • Observing and giving feedback on behavior
  • Structuring work processes
  • Visualizing results

Ensuring Transfer

  • Reflection of own actions and effects
  • As participants: What, how and when do I want to implement change?
  • Success factors for implementation

Target groups

Stage V – Presentation and Moderation for Controllers is adressed to managers and employees in controlling, financial accounting as well as in cost accounting, corporate planning, management information systems, business administration and development.


Dr. Klaus Eiselmayer

ist seit 1995 Trainer, seit 1997 Partner und von 2012 bis 2024 Mitglied des Vorstands der CA Akademie AG. Er ist Board Member der International Group of Controlling und Vorstandsmitglied des Int. Controller Verein. Seine Schwerpunkte sind Businessplanung, internes und externes Rechnungswesen, Wertmanagement sowie Präsentation, Moderation und Teamgestaltung auf Deutsch und Englisch. Von 2007 bis 2013 leitete er als Vorstandsmitglied den Verlag für Controlling Wissen und war Herausgeber des Controller Magazins.

Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Pascher

ist Partner bei der CA Akademie AG, Keynote Speaker, Trainer für Controller, Nicht-Controller und Führungskräfte. Er ist für CA International und das Online Training verantwortlich. Als Berater begleitet er Firmen bei der Umsetzung von Projekten auf Englisch, Spanisch und Französisch. Außerdem ist er IBCS® Trainer für Reporting und Experte für Präsentationen. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Projekt- und Vertriebs-Controlling, Kommunikation, Führung und Business Partnering.

Teilnehmerstimmen zu diesem Seminar
»The training is well organised, good preparation of the content and good exercises.«
Ramy Habib, Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH
»Great seminar with really amazing trainers. The content is very relevant and it will be a great help in my further career development. I especially like that we work on practical examples and situations as they happen in real life.«
David Laban Stariha, Iskraemeco d.d.
»Very engaging & personable trainer. Many ideas and topics discussed with relevance in daily work.«
William Hinshaw, Deublin Company, LLC
»Perfectly made, thank you, Klaus. A lot of practical examples were given.«
Teodor Ivanov, MDZ Dentaprime EAD
»Thank you very much for an exciting week full of detailed aspects about presentation & moderation for controllers. It was beneficial to me and I am very grateful to you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us this week, in which we learned a lot. Thank you for creating such a friendly environment for us to feel free to express ourselves. You organized the program very well and you are clear and transparent in communicating the objectives to every team.«
Dr. Valentina Alexa, Alexa Piggeries Pty. Ltd.
»I appreciate your great effort for teaching us presentation and moderation. My next tasks in future will be to implement (step by step) things that I learned from you in the last 5 days. Thank you very much.«
Srdjan Jankovic
»Thank you and the rest of the CA Team to make this journey happened. During the last two stages with you, we gained skills which will help us in our everyday life.«
Urban Pustovrh, Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o.
»Perfect content of the seminar for what I need and often do in practice.«
Borut Radi, GVO d.o.o.
»Presentation and feedback were a great experience. Very important to see, what to improve. The trainer are very friendly, great knowledge and a lot of examples, good understanding.«
Rik Pienski, EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG
»The way of training and the particular presentation method of the CA trainers enhanced my controlling abilities.«
Jan Šulc, Continental Teves s.r.o.

Kontakt und Beratung

Katharina Vosberg

Seminar-Nummer: 9.5

Seminardauer: 5 Tage
133 Bewertungen
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Termine auswählen:

  • 2.300 EUR*
    *) Mittagessen, Pausensnacks und Getränke sind im Seminarpreis enthalten.
    Preise zzgl. gesetzlicher Umsatzsteuer.

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