Stage III - Reporting & Communication for Controllers
Train how to communicate in the management process in order to achieve successful corporate management.

3 minutes live of the Stage III seminar Reporting and Communication

Stage III - Reporting & Communication for Controllers

Seminar-Nummer: 9.3 Seminardauer: 5 Tage
99 Bewertungen
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Seminar-Nummer: 9.3
Train how to communicate in the management process in order to achieve successful corporate management.

Industry 4.0 / “Internet of Things” and the digitization that it involves bring significant changes for all companies. These changes relate not only to the conception and development of meaningful reporting towards creating a digital boardroom, but also the standardization of processes and the development of relevant, dynamic key figures that take into account social media, among other things. Agile project management and controlling will increasingly be a part of everyday corporate life. The growing importance of the controller’s role as a business partner and change agent in volatile times must be reflected in an equally high level of professionalism in social competence.

After the seminar you will be able to:

  • apply project controlling methods (incl. SCRUM), reports and charts
  • communicate competently in the areas of BI, big data, predictive and advanced analytics
  • create attractive business charts and tables and impress with informative reports
  • use relevant controlling tools to standardize processes and increase efficiency
  • communicate more confidently, clearly and effectively in your role as a business partner

Seminar Content

Project controlling

  • Success criteria of a project
  • Phases and key tasks of projects
  • Integration of project planning and corporate planning
  • Project reporting
  • SCRUM – agile project management

Success factor reporting

  • BI and Big Data – from strategy to realization
  • Predictive and Advanced Analytics – new tool set for Controllers
  • Receiver oriented business charts and tables
  • Excel hints for implementation
  • With SUCCESS to the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS®)
  • Integrated Reporting

Development of Key Performance Indicators

  • Integration of a (e.g. digital) strategy into the operational business
  • Developing strategic key figures using the balanced scorecard approach
  • Exercise on the development of sustainability indicators (SDG and ESG)
  • Visualizing, optimizing and standardizing of processes
  • Developing process-relevant indicators

Controller as Business Partner and Change Agent

  • MOVE and change management
  • Cooperation and managing relationship
  • The “Co”-functions in Controlling
  • Fundamental communication models
  • Patterns and improvement of team work
  • Factors influencing the leadership situation and the role of managers
  • Principles of how to secure the transfer of know-how

Target groups

Stage III – Reporting & Communication for Controllers is adressed to managers and employees in controlling, financial accounting as well as in cost accounting, corporate planning, management information systems, business administration and development.


Dr. Klaus Eiselmayer

ist seit 1995 Trainer, seit 1997 Partner und von 2012 bis 2024 Mitglied des Vorstands der CA Akademie AG. Er ist Board Member der International Group of Controlling und Vorstandsmitglied des Int. Controller Verein. Seine Schwerpunkte sind Businessplanung, internes und externes Rechnungswesen, Wertmanagement sowie Präsentation, Moderation und Teamgestaltung auf Deutsch und Englisch. Von 2007 bis 2013 leitete er als Vorstandsmitglied den Verlag für Controlling Wissen und war Herausgeber des Controller Magazins.

Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Pascher

ist Partner bei der CA Akademie AG, Keynote Speaker, Trainer für Controller, Nicht-Controller und Führungskräfte. Er ist für CA International und das Online Training verantwortlich. Als Berater begleitet er Firmen bei der Umsetzung von Projekten auf Englisch, Spanisch und Französisch. Außerdem ist er IBCS® Trainer für Reporting und Experte für Präsentationen. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Projekt- und Vertriebs-Controlling, Kommunikation, Führung und Business Partnering.

Teilnehmerstimmen zu diesem Seminar
»The content of the seminar is at an expected and beyond level. Everything can be implemented in daily work, which means it is quite useful. Thanks!«
Srdjan Grbic, METRO Cash & Carry, Serbia
»The trainer was very energetic and had my attention all the time. It was very good that he showed some of his working experience.«
Liana Coman, Lear Corporation Romania Srl.
»Seminar content was great and provided new ideas which are relevant to my work. All topics were well explained. I was very pleased to have such a seminar available also online, easy to attend, using modern IT applications.«
Petra Stepankova, HE Space Operations BV
»Excellent even online.«
Petar Aleksov, Alkaloid AD
»Great source of inspiration / improvement ideas. Suggestions and discussions were very beneficial. Theoretic concepts came across well with many examples from real life.«
Oliver Schwassmann
»Very good seminar, useful in everyday business life. Excellent trainer who has a very wide range of knowledge and words to explain so that you can easily understand the topics.«
Zdenko Mrdja, Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o.
»The trainers are very energetic, many examples from life, business, excellent story-telling.«
Ludger Brake, Lisa Dräxlmaier GmbH
»I felt engaged and I was interested in the topics all the time.«
Tatsiana Zeliania
»I find the content very refreshing into addition of the hard skills.«
Tomas Kadlec, Zumtobel Lighting GmbH
»Excellent focus on communication. Impressive personality.«
Pal Szilagyi, Hübner-H Kft.
»Good mix of important and interesting content. I liked the video analysis.«
Christian Lohr, Postbank Systems AG
»I enjoyed the communication topics – especially the feedbacks and self-disclosure. Trainers are very professional, empathetic and conveying information by good examples.«
Petr Hnyk, Mercedes-Benz Ceská Republika s.r.o.

Kontakt und Beratung

Katharina Vosberg

Seminar-Nummer: 9.3

Seminardauer: 5 Tage
99 Bewertungen
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Termine auswählen:

  • 2.300 EUR*
    *) Mittagessen, Pausensnacks und Getränke sind im Seminarpreis enthalten.
    Preise zzgl. gesetzlicher Umsatzsteuer.

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