Stage I - Controllers Best Practice
Everything you need to know about accounting, financial reporting and corporate planning.

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Stage I - Controllers Best Practice

Seminar-Nummer: 9.1 Seminardauer: 5 Tage
205 Bewertungen
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Seminar-Nummer: 9.1
Everything you need to know about accounting, financial reporting and corporate planning.

Market, competitive and stakeholder situations are changing at an ever-increasing pace, calling for agile yet targeted management control. So setting up a controlling system that addresses modern requirements is essential. In-depth practical experience of key controlling tools, new approaches and methods are another important prerequisite.

At the same time, controlling and the role and skills demanded of controllers are changing in the wake of digitalization. Stage I communicates hard and soft skills to successfully perform the role of business partner and shape controlling processes effectively and efficiently. In addition, new roles in controlling, such as the Data Scientist, will also be discussed.

After the seminar you will be able to:

  • be more competent in your role as a business partner
  • understand and apply key controlling tools and their interrelationships
  • be more persuasive in leading and facilitating meetings and more results-oriented in your work
  • identify and understand current trends, such as digitalization

Seminar Content

Controlling for Successful Corporate Management

  • The controller as a business partner – understanding the role and necessary competences
  • Controlling as a management process of target setting, planning and control
  • Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
  • With contribution margin accounting to the right decision
  • Break even chart, price volume changes, variance analysis and cost structure
  • Future-oriented controlling – successfully leading of variance analysis meetings including forecast and deriving action

Important Connections between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting

  • Details of profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement
  • Cost summary and cost of sales method
  • Holistic thinking and acting in controlling
  • The ROI-tree as start for driver planning and for sensitivity analysis and simulation
  • Derivation of profit target over the capital costs
  • Case study on planning and budgeting

Planning, Budgeting, Variance Analysis and Forecast

  • Integration of strategic and operational planning
  • Modern budgeting and rolling forecast
  • Application of strategic instruments (SWOT, five forces, product portfolio, potential profile, strategic form)
  • Computer based sales forecast with regression analysis (predictive analytics)
  • Cost center planning and variance analysis

Development and Building Blocks of the Controlling System

  • The accounting panorama – connections of contribution margin accounting, product costing and cost center accounting
  • Calculation and sales price determination on the basis of various practical examples
  • Case study on strategic planning

Trends and Developments in Controlling

  • Overview of controlling trends
  • Digitalization and data
  • Modern planning
  • Future development for controllers (New roles for the controlling function)

 Target groups

The Seminar Stage I – Controllers Best Practice addresses to managers and employees from controlling service and accounting as well as executives, who look for deep insights in controller’s work.


Dr. Klaus Eiselmayer

ist seit 1995 Trainer, seit 1997 Partner und von 2012 bis 2024 Mitglied des Vorstands der CA Akademie AG. Er ist Board Member der International Group of Controlling und Vorstandsmitglied des Int. Controller Verein. Seine Schwerpunkte sind Businessplanung, internes und externes Rechnungswesen, Wertmanagement sowie Präsentation, Moderation und Teamgestaltung auf Deutsch und Englisch. Von 2007 bis 2013 leitete er als Vorstandsmitglied den Verlag für Controlling Wissen und war Herausgeber des Controller Magazins.

Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Pascher

ist Partner bei der CA Akademie AG, Keynote Speaker, Trainer für Controller, Nicht-Controller und Führungskräfte. Er ist für CA International und das Online Training verantwortlich. Als Berater begleitet er Firmen bei der Umsetzung von Projekten auf Englisch, Spanisch und Französisch. Außerdem ist er IBCS® Trainer für Reporting und Experte für Präsentationen. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Projekt- und Vertriebs-Controlling, Kommunikation, Führung und Business Partnering.

Teilnehmerstimmen zu diesem Seminar
»Very good visualisation, perfect presentation, great interaction with participants, all questions answered!«
Irina Dimitrova
»It was a really great training with very good examples and hints to my everyday life and job!«
Felicitas Mak, RIGO Trading S.A.
»I am very impressed with the quality of the seminar. Not only the content is very good but also the organization is very well done! It is very well balanced as not only focus on controlling topics and tools but also in management topics with focus on strategic thinking.«
Luisa Carneiro, Hovione FarmaCiencia SA
»The content was actually what I was looking for. It was so refreshing to learn new perspectives and share ideas.«
Kathia Gamez Huerta, General Physics Corporation Mexico
»The trainer is inspiring and an interactive person. Great practical orientation of the course. Everything was organized perfectly.«
Todor Avramov, EVN Service Center EOOD
»I already had some ideas about the training from my colleagues, but it really exceeded my expectations. Dietmar gave well structured presentations, had excellent reaction to ad hoc questions, and gave a lot of tips & innovative methods to work with. Ideas for practical implementation: This I appreciated the most, as it refreshed some of the theory, but then the practical implementation was the main added value.«
Cosmina Axinte Lazea, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
»Wide variety of topics for different controlling specializations and very good overview on business practices.«
Bernatdetta Baran, GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH
»Thank you very much for an impressive, magnificent seminar. We appreciate a lot the theoretical and practical expertise of the trainer and his enthusiastic and motivational presentation. We are feeling now more confident to pursue our project of implementing controlling in the piggery.«
Dr Valentina Alexa, Business Development Manager, ALEXA PIGGERIES PTY LTD, Australia
»The seminar content was really good organized and presented to us. All the participants were actively involved and I have learnt a lot which I am going to apply to my job.«
Andrea Popa, Maxion Wheels EAAP Holding GmbH
»Many thanks for a very interesting week! I have been looking forward to this course and it exceeded my expectations.«
Madeleine Pärson, ArjoHuntleigh AB
»The trainer was illustrating every topic very clear, ensuring that each participant would understand. The workshops helped us to implement learnings while real life experiences from the trainer helped us to visualize alternative cases in work environment.«
Nihan Yildirim, Mayr Melnhof Packaging Süperpak
»Extremely interesting and helpful for every professional, who wants further to develop his/her knowledge and to stay relevant and up to date in the business. Looking forward to the next stage!«
Ljiljana Vragovic, Constantia Flexibles Holding GmbH
»I come from an accounting and finance background. This seminar helped me to understand the responsibilities of a controller and how to add value to my company.«
Aubrey Schmidt, Hubner Manufacturing Corporation
»Content mix: theory & case studies. Trainer: Enthusiastic, motivating, motivated. Many practical examples.«
Mane Ivica, DALLI-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG
»Many useful information in a quick but detailed presentation. The trainers have good means of catching and keeping your attention.«
Liana Coman, Lear Corporation Romania SRL
»Precisely the information, that I need in my everyday job. The trainers have perfect communication skills and high competence.«
Anastasija Khasova, Volkswagen Group RUS
»Material, case study, working in teams and a lot of examples from real life. The trainers are very competent. You can easily notice they have a lot of experience in their field.«
Claudia Bejan, BOS Automotive Products Romania S.C.S.
»CA controller akademie is impressive. Talented speakers with strong practical background guide you into best practice for your controlling job.«
Alexey Alexeev, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care

Kontakt und Beratung

Katharina Vosberg

Seminar-Nummer: 9.1

Seminardauer: 5 Tage
205 Bewertungen
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Termine auswählen:

  • 2.300 EUR*
    *) Mittagessen, Pausensnacks und Getränke sind im Seminarpreis enthalten.
    Preise zzgl. gesetzlicher Umsatzsteuer.

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