Controllers Training Program in five stages
Hard and soft skills for best performance in the controlling of the future.

Controllers Training Program in five stages

Step by step to Controlling Excellence.

Secure the decisive advantage in knowledge with all relevant hard and soft skills for the best performance in controlling of the future.

Target groups: Financial Professionals

Controllers, Management, Accountants and interested Non-Financial Managers

The must-have for all controllers

Controllers Training Program is also available in German

Future-oriented with a recognized qualification

Whether you are fresh out of university or in business for a long time, the five-stage training program will get you ready as a controller and business partner. To ensure that you are optimally prepared for the challenges ahead, we have been
consistently adapting the content to the latest developments in controlling practice for over 50 years. We offer you maximum learning flexibility through different learning formats.

After the program you will be able to:

  • organize your accounting, reporting and planning efficiently and convince as a valued business partner
  • apply all finance-oriented controlling methods skillfully
  • create meaningful reports and be familiar with the possibilities of system-controlled data analysis in reporting
  • manage (agile) projects and processes successfully
  • communicate successfully, lead informally and present competently

Recognized degrees


Controllers Certificate CA
Obtaining the Controllers Certificate CA, which requires that you complete stages I, II and IV of the Controllers Training Program in five stages, demonstrates you have attained proven, certifi ed controlling skills. It is intended for participants who are seeking a more streamlined path through the stages program and want to concentrate initially on methodological and functional topics.


Controllers Diploma CA
Controllers Diploma CA certifies your controlling excellence in the role as business partner of management. By successfully completing the Controllers Training Program in five stages your work in actual controlling practice will demonstrate proven communication skills and functional expertise. A self-examination is conducted at the end of stage V when participants make presentations that are evaluated by the trainer and the seminar participants.


The Controllers Training Program in five stages

Stage I - Controllers Best Practice
Everything you need to know about accounting, financial reporting and corporate planning.
Stage II - Financial & Management Accounting
Here you can expand your detailed knowledge of controlling methods.
Stage III - Reporting & Communication for Controllers
Train how to communicate in the management process in order to achieve successful corporate management.
Stage IV - Planning & Implementation
Train in a team how to implement all important controlling and management methods in practice.
Stage V - Presentation & Moderation for Controllers
Improve your communication skills and enhance your perceptiveness in groups.

What awaits you

With the Controllers Training Program in five stages, you will gain methodical controlling expertise. You will expand your scope for action by training yourself in many topics that are part of a modern modern controlling system: Entrepreneurial understanding, data processing and analysis as well as psychological intuition. Because the best tools, results or reports are only as good as your persuasiveness and the strength of your arguments.

You will gain practical skills and, thanks to numerous transfer and feedback units during the seminars, you will be able to apply your new knowledge directly in your business practice.

Für mehr Handlungssicherheit: 3 Lern-Pakete zur Auswahl

Damit Sie mehr Handlungssicherheit aufbauen können und Ihnen die Umsetzung in Ihre Unternehmenspraxis noch besser gelingt, können Sie Ihr Lern-Paket mit unterschiedlichen Zusatzkomponenten wählen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die drei Lern-Pakete und Ihre Vorteile

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Training format
The English training is designed as an intensive classroom-training and a lively exchange of experiences both during and after the seminar. It takes place from Monday until Friday.
Controllers Training Program is also available as inhouse live online training. Both formats convey the same content and focus on practical application with exercises as well as interaction between the speaker and the seminar participants.

What participants say about our Controllers Training Program in five stages

Stage I – Controllers Best Practice

»The trainer was illustrating every topic very clear, ensuring that each participant would understand. The workshops helped us to implement learnings while real life experiences from the trainer helped us to visualize alternative cases in work environment.«

Nihan Yildirim, Mayr Melnhof Packaging Süperpak

Stage II - Financial & Management Accounting

»Excellent seminar. Well structured and great content. The trainer is very knowledgeable and kept the seminar interesting by sharing real life examples and experiences.«

Danielle Galieta, GmbH

Stage III - Reporting & Communication for Controllers

»Seminar content was great and provided new ideas which are relevant to my work. All topics were well explained. I was very pleased to have such a seminar available also online, easy to attend, using modern IT applications.«

Petra Stepankova, HE Space Operations BV

Stage IV – Planning & Implementation

»For me it was a very good time investment, I learned a lot from you and I am sure, I will remember and use the learnings and these techniques in the future both in my business and private life!«

Casaba Mandoki, METRO AG

Stage V - Presentation & Moderation for Controllers

»Presentation and feedback were a great experience. Very important to see, what to improve. The trainer are very friendly, great knowledge and a lot of examples, good understanding.«

Rik Pienski, EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG

About our Stages

»Thank you and the rest of the CA Team to make this journey happened. During the last two stages with you, we gained skills which will help us in our everyday life.«

Urban Pustovrh, Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o.

About the Controllers Training Program in five stages

»CA Diploma Program delivers a comprehensive education incl. soft skills for an interdisciplinary job and offers opportunity for exchanging with controllers from different countries, companies and industries. Therefore we are thrilled to send our colleagues to this program.«

Milovan Arnaut, Venturing Finance, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Questions? We are happy to help you!